The Difference Catering’s 5 favourite Brunch dishes
How did Sunday Brunch come about ? English writer Guy Beringer is credited with first proposing the idea for the meal in his 1895 essay “Brunch: A Plea.” “Instead of England’s early Sunday dinner, a post church ordeal of heavy meats and savoury pies, why not a new meal, served around noon, that starts with tea or coffee, marmalade and other breakfast fixtures before moving along to the heavier fare? By eliminating the need to get up early on Sunday, brunch would make life brighter for Saturday-night carousers. It would promote human happiness in other ways as well. Brunch is cheerful, sociable and inciting. It is talk-compelling. It puts you in a good temper, it makes you satisfied with yourself and your fellow beings, and it sweeps away the worries and cobwebs of the week.”
Following this brunch finally took off in America in the 1930s in Chicago; according to Evan Jones, author of “American Food – The Gastronomic Story”. We like to sleep in Sundays, read the newspapers and loll in bed. After the World War II generation went away from church altogether, Sunday became a day to enjoy doing nothing and brunch just grew like topsy”.
Of course, none of this explains how brunch went from a meal designed to help cure hangovers to an overpriced excuse to drink in the middle of the day, but sometimes it’s best not to question these things too much.
What should I serve for Sunday Brunch?
Ask google this question and you get bombarded with 450,000,000 options ………… here at the Difference Catering Company our favourite brunch dishes are.
Executive Chef Philip – Kumara and Coconut Fritters, Bacon, Rocket and Poached Farm Eggs
CEO Stephanie – Home made Crumpets, Lemon Curd, Berries and Greek Yogurt
Operations Manager Tamara – Eggs Benedict every time !
Chef Jarrad – Shakshuka
Reynolds Kids Favourite – Waffles with Bacon, Banana, Cinnamon and Maple Syrup

Here’s how ……..
Waffles – Beat 2 cups milk, 1 tsp salt and 3 egg yolks together. Mix in 2 1/4 C flour and 3 tsp baking powder. Add 100g melted butter and beat until smooth. Leave to stand about 2 hours (or overnight). Fold in stiffly beaten whites of 3 eggs. Cook to golden brown and serve with your choice of accompaniments.
Kumara and Coconut Fritters – make a batter with 1 cup coconut cream, 1/2 cup rice flour, 1 Tbsp grated fresh ginger, 1 finely sliced spring onion, 1 Tbsp sweet chilli sauce, 20g fresh chopped coriander (or your choice of herb), 1/2 tsp tumeric and 2 eggs. Mix in 280g of peeled and grated kumara. Stand mix for 20-30mins, cook as you would piklets in a lightly greased pan.