4 Ways to celebrate World Chocolate Day
Euphoria is a word associated with intense pleasure – chocolate has been giving pleasure ever since 1900 BC as a beverage mixed with chillies and corn meal.
The Aztecs believed that cacao seeds were the gift of the god of wisdom, and the seeds once had so much value that they were used as a form of currency. In fact, Cacao beans were used as currency to buy anything from avocados to turkeys to sex. A rabbit, for example, was worth ten cacao beans, a slave about a hundred, and the services of a prostitute, eight to ten beans. The beans were also used in betrothal and marriage ceremonies among the Maya, especially the upper classes.
The sweet chocolate recognisable today first became popular in Europe in the 15th century when sugar was added. The process over the next 300 years became more refined. In 1879, the texture and taste of chocolate was further improved when Rodolphe Lindt invented the conching machine – improving texture and flavour by eveningly distributing the cocoa butter.
At The Difference Catering Company we have a few favourite recipes
- The Classic Chocolate Chip Cookie from Edmonds Cookbook
- Grate a little Dark Ghana from Whittaker’s into a reduced red wine sauce to accompany Venison
- Tio Pablo do a wonderful Mexican Hot Chocolate link here
- Sabayon Chocolate Tart with Caramelised Raspberry Sauce – see recipe below

Sabayon Chocolate Tart
- Line a Tart case with sweet pastry and blind bake till crisp.
- Melt 150g Butter with 225g Dark Chocolate – keep the temperature around 35 to 40c
- In a mixer, whisk on high, 4 wholes and 3 yolks with 40g caster sugar for 8 minutes. Until really light and airy.
- Very gently fold 1/3 egg mix to the melted chocolate. Then fold in the remaining 2/3rds retaining as much air as possible.
- Pour into the blind baked tart case and return to the oven at 110C for 15 minutes.
- Allow to cool completely. Cut with a warm knife and serve.